Sustainable Chemistry
Katharina Schröder is a full professor for Sustainable Chemistry at the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry TU Wien. Amongst various national and EU-funded projects and awards, she also received the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant in 2019. The ERC project CARBOFLOW is dedicated to streamlined CO2 conversion as a platform strategy for modern carbonylation chemistry.
Her group focuses on sustainable chemistry in general, and more specifically, (i) on organo- and photocatalysis for asymmetric synthesis, (ii) on carbon capture and valorization techniques (CCU), particularly on photocatalytic CO2 activation and (iii) on the recovery of valuable ingredients from industrial waste streams using advanced fluid technologies.
The core of our research in MECS is dedicated to the development of novel photo- and/or photoelectrocatalytic strategies for CO2 reduction with homogeneous and supported catalysts. Moreover, the team will work on expanding the product range of CO2-derived materials towards C2-products, and explore the reactivity of photocatalytically formed reactive intermediates for the production of high-value fine chemicals.
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Katharina Schröder
Team in MECS
Florian Ehrschwendtner
PhD student (FWF-funded)
Open positions
1 PhD position currently open