Parkinson Group (TU Wien)

Institute of Applied Physics

Surface Reactivity

Gareth Parkinson is a professor at the Institute of Applied Physics at the TU Wien. His group investigates the properties of solid surfaces using a combination of atomic-scale imaging and spectroscopic measurements to determine how the structure correlates to chemical reactivity. In particular, his group investigates so-called “single-atom” catalysts, which represent the ultimate in the efficient usage of precious metals. The research is based on the surface science approach, where model systems based on single crystals are studied in a highly controlled ultrahigh vacuum environment. Once processes are understood in a vacuum, the lessons are tested in more realistic environments.

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ORCID: 0000-0003-2457-8977

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Gareth Parkinson

Team in MECS

Jiří Pavelec

Senior Scientist

(University funded)

Open positions